Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Superman or Saviour?
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Watch what you are building
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Freely you have received, freely give.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional.
It might be surprising to you but clergy these days when
they are trained for ministry, one of the things that they have to learn is how
to deal with and manage conflict within the life of the Church. Does that
surprise you? One of the things that I have learned over the years, is that
conflict, which happens within a person is inevitable. People deal with
conflict within themselves all the time. Personal conflict gives rise to a
number of really good pieces of music it, especially country music. The old
hurting songs that talk about the wife leaving husband behind with kids to feed
and crops in the fields that need to be harvested. The dog has died and the cat
won’t speak to anyone anymore. “Picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille!”
If conflict is inevitable then combat is most often optional.
We can choose how to act on what goes on inside us. And the way in which the
Gospel calls on us to deal with conflict is interesting. It is put on the
injured party to confront the other person and to try and gain
satisfaction/relief from the situation. If that does not work, then try again
with a couple of witnesses who may be able to help you work things out. If you
cannot prevail to get a satisfactory outcome, then everyone goes before the
church (local congregation and you try again to settle matters. If the offender
does not listen will not act with contrition, then the offender is
excommunicated and treated as a tax collector or a public sinner. Modern people
at this point would think that this is where they could wash their hands of the
offender. Would Jesus have? I do not think so. I believe Jesus would have
continued to sort things out and draw that offender back into the life of the
I would point out to you that there are so many people, not
only outside the Church who need forgiveness and thus of healing, but there are
as many inside the Church who need the same thing. Are they finding it? And
need and the desire for forgiveness goes well beyond the absolution of the
Eucharist. Absolution is the reminder of God’s willingness to forgive, to heal
and to bless as he is to remove sin and sent it as far as the East is from the
We need to consider God and his divine nature. The Father
forgives iniquity, heals disease, redeems from the Pit. He crowns the faithful
with steadfast love and mercy. God satisfies his people with Good as long as
they live. The Father renews the youthful vigor of his people like that of an
eagle. God is not foiled by numbers and is not stymied by our failures. In
fact, he works all things to the good for those who love him and are called
according to his purpose. The Father by his very nature (and contrary to common
thinking) leans always towards showing mercy and grace; slow to anger and swift
to bless. Divine anger is swift to dissipate; bygones are bygones. God does not
operate on an ‘eye for an eye’ basis, always looking to get revenge and to
balance the books. He is sympathetic to our nature and our plight as people he
created and that through sin, have been separated from him.
That reminds me of a parishioner, who in the middle of a
Lenten sermon, got on her feet and rejected the idea that she was a sinner in a
rather loud manner. She said to me, “I am just fine. God likes me just the way
that I am. I am not a sinner.” Thing is, there is a misunderstanding about what
a sin is. It is what everyone else does and you do not. It is more than about
what we do, it is about what we do not do. It is the things that we did not do
well and where we fall short of the mark. The Gospel calls us back to God, to
come and be transformed into the creations he intended for each and all of us
to become the marvelous creature we were meant to be. We are called to be more
than right and work on rights, we are called to be righteous.
Lastly let me remind us all of what Jesus himself has said:
“Love your enemy. Turn the other cheek. Do good to those who persecute you. If
you are angry with your brother or sister, you are liable to judgement. If your
eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. Do not resist an evil
doer. (Be perfect (in mercy) as your Father in heaven is perfect (in mercy)”.
So how do we handle conflict? We have two ears and on mouth.
We should listen at least twice as much as we talk. We listen so that we can
ask clarifying questions to better understand what is being shared with us. We
need to take care in how we speak to each other, including in social media. We
listen o learn how we might serve another person and how to lead in various
situations. Let us be known in this community (inside and outside this
congregation) for how we genuinely love, how we genuinely love one another. Is that easy? No, but consider the alternative by looking around you.