Friday, December 30, 2011

Waiting for the promise

There is something that struck me over this Christmas season about the older people in the Gospel lesson (Luke 2.21-40). It is the ability of older people to wait for things that we have been promised. Simeon and Anna are two such people. Both had lived long lives. Simeon had been away from home a good portion of his priesthood. Anna had been without husband and family for even longer. Both were waiting for God to answer their various prayers which they had been praying in different ways with varying levels of enthusiasm over their lifetimes. Now is the time for their individual moments to shine, to proclaim the greatness of God and the ponderous gift that God had given. and then… well then what?

This is a moment when we can consider not only the faithful lives and Anna and Simeon lived and that is important. Their words and actions point out to the rest of the world who God is and what has done and is going to do in the life of the One they proclaim.
 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.For my eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.
Today we not only celebrate the movement into another year and the birth of a child who was named Jesus, we celebrate them together. And if we are to be more like Simeon and Anna, then we need to stop and ask ourselves an important question, “When we discover that God has been faithful and fulfilled promises he has made to you, how do you respond?” The Child that has been born for us, the Son that has been given to us should cause us to rejoice. Such a moment is an opportunity to celebrate God’s faithfulness and God’s blessings upon us so that we can become the people that we are. And if we are to be like Simeon and Anna then we need to recognize that this very celebration does not go away with the trees, lights and tinsel. God is faithful to us and responds to us each and every day. God responds to us and to our prayers, our hopes and our dreams each and every time that we are willing to stop and offer them. God’s grace and our giving are not limited to one day or even to a particular season like Christmas. This is a season when we can thank God that he has put his name on us and that god has blessed us. We can praise God that he remains with us and is present to us in the flesh and blood of his One and Only Son. We have indeed been blessed. And we have also been, as my children would say, “Owned”. Because we have been blessed; because we have a name that has been put on us and because God is in our midst, we are still his. And together we live out the risings and dyings of Jesus in our everyday, workaday lives.

Let us follow Jesus that we might learn more of him and of his true nature that we might reflect that light to the world and help people to share in the blessings and honours due is wonderful name. Come let us adore him and celebrate him. What are you waiting for… Christmas?

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