There is a great little movie based on Geoffrey Chaucer’s “A
Knight’s Tale.” It is about a young man who is given the opportunity to change
his life by being a squire to a knight. After many years of faithful service,
young William finds himself in a spot where poses as a knight to feed the other
members of the household because his master has died. William’s nemesis Prince
Adhemar, constantly undercuts William and asks him, “You have been tried, you
have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you
have you beaten me?”
If there is anything that I would countenance about Adhemar,
Herod Antipas, the rulers and princes of this world is it that they are often
fearful that there might be someone who is their equal. And if they have an
equal, that means the prince and all he can command and possess means and is
nothing. Thus he is nothing. Therefore, there is a great need to debase and
reduce anyone who might be a threat or a possible rival to nothing so that the
great prince can remain mighty, at least in his own eyes.
This Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 6:18-29) is about others and how
they can and will respond to the Good News of the Gospel and to the person of
Jesus. Many People around Jesus and around Herod are hearing of the great and
awesome things that are happening. Everybody and their uncle has an opinion
about who Jesus is and what he is doing. Herod himself thinks that he might have
second chance after having John executed... that John is back and is coming to
him and for him. Herod had been near the holiness of John. He had been
impressed with John. He kept calling John to preach to him over the objections
of the court and of his wife, Herodias. John was blunt and clear. Herein is a
problem that we often face in the Church in North America these days: Herod was
impressed, even frightened of the message he was hearing and wanted to respond
but would not dare. He would not change his life in such away. He could hear
the message but would do precious little to alter his life to conform to the
message. He was impressed with the commitment and was touched by the holy but
he would not allow himself to be changed. It had consequences.
Like young William we need to learn what it means to be
noble. We need to learn what it means to be committed to our own
transformations, whatever the cost is. Nobility, or in our case Christian
character is not just something we are born into, it defines us and our
actions. As Christian people we are called on by our risen and ascended Prince
to live a live that us upright and straight in a world that is tilted upside
down through our sin. We live in a world where giving service and making
sacrifice are laughed at and scorned because it means that we have to put self
aside in favour of others and their needs and dreams. We are called to live our
lives as marked out people through how we love and treat each other. Didn’t
Jesus tell his disciples, by this (sign),
all will know you to be my disciples, by your love, one for another?
If we are who we say we are – Christian people – then ought
we not to be more and more like our Master? Shouldn’t we be ready to stand up
and be counted, knowing that we live in a culture that is not going to want to
hear about giving, self sacrifice, and faith in the name of Jesus? We are being
tried by fire, and our faith is being tested. Others need to see this so that
they can come to see the news and the life that we proclaim is real and not
just some fanciful thinking or “pie in the sky” hope. The world needs to see
that we have been tried, that we have been measured; that there is substance to
the message and truth that we proclaim. Let us be prepared to serve, to give, and to
sacrifice that we might win some and draw them into life and life in the
kingdom and our Prince so that we can say to them – may God have mercy on you
and save you if it is his good will. Welcome to the new world.
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