Jesus took his disciples north
to territory where most of the crowds would not follow, into modern day Lebanon.
Jesus led his disciples towards people who were not going to be openly
hospitable towards them. He wanted to take some time to find out what the 12
knew and to have some time with them. But his desire to be left alone to do
some important teaching and listening was interrupted by his fame and a call
from a woman who persisted in asking for her daughter to be healed and released
from the demon that effected her.
So why did Jesus refer to her
and to her child as “dogs”. There are many in the Church that are unsettled by
this image of Jesus, that he would apparently be mean and nasty to a woman who
had a sick child. But one needs to stop and consider what was actually said and
what Jesus was actually saying to understand what he was up to.
Jesus pointed out this woman
that this was not the time for the healing and feeding for those who were
outside a particular group. This time was meant to feed and strengthen those
who would in time and trail have to declare Jesus as the risen and ascended
Lord. There would be a time to bless and heal everyone, but not now.
Interestingly, the woman did not give up. She persisted. She was unwilling to
stop. She would not give up. When she was apparently being brushed off, she
kept right on going. And as a result of her willingness to do so, that is when
she was blessed and her prayer was answered. She had a hope and she was not
willing to let the hope or its future go. Because of her persistence, her
daughter was healed and free of the evil that was destroying her.
What does our world, our
Church look and sound like when God is in charge? When people who are without
hope are given hope; when people who are blind are given sight, and people who
have been formerly deaf are able to hearing; when people who are imprisoned are
set free and those who are in debt are forgiven and those who are dead are
raised to life... that is what the kingdom of God looks like.
How do we see it? We need to look
beyond the past to the future that we might make this present different;
better. We need to move from looking for a blessing to being a blessing around us;
giving thanks for all that we have been given. When God is in charge, the
Church and the world become fundamentally different; transformed.
Why should we become a
blessing? It comes back to this mom who would not stop, would not give up, and
would not go away. In the days that followed, Jesus healed another man from the
North and fed another 4000 people, just has had done before. Others benefited
from her persistence and opened a path for them to receive “all the benefits of
his passion”. Yes the world is messed up. Yes there are divisions in the Church
and there are all kinds of problems there too. Everything seems apparently in
chaos. All we seem to do is go round and round in circles and nothing ever
seems to change, perhaps in large part because we don’t want to look past all
the things that we think are important, to the things that God wants us to
focus on.
We are called to be kingdom
people. We are made to be resurrection people. We are to be people who are not
hobbled or fettered to the whims and will of this present world. We are called
to build our Church towards that great moment when we will see God face to
face. So let us persist in the risk of faith, continuing to be people of hope,
that we might dream and change the world according to God’s will and plan.
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