Thursday, February 5, 2015

The kind of Church that God wants

Have you ever taken the time to consider what kind of Church God wants to build? The matter of the church building has been one that has been on my heart and in my head this past week. Especially after learning we have raised nearly $25,000 for the next stage in the roof project and are $899.01 away from our goal. Well known parishioners, people and groups from the rest of the Diocese and folks from other places and spaces well beyond our Diocese, having encountered a video or seen the Diocesan newspaper, have been so generous and have given of themselves to help us to fix our roof. It is on times, overwhelming the kindness and the generosity of people.

But then I am confronted with the fact that Jesus did not possess an edifice complex. In his ministry, he did not build buildings. Jesus made disciples. Jesus’ ministry, as was witnessed last week, set a man who had been invaded by evil, free. A single act of power set a man free. And what did he do after that experience? He told others. He told others what Jesus had done for him and at sunset, others came to Jesus and they were set free too. Every person who heard what Jesus had done, those who wanted relief left to seek Jesus out - to find health and freedom from evil. All because of what happened with one man, in a congregation on the Sabbath.

Our Gospel this week (Mark 1:29-39) has Jesus and the disciples (Simon, Andrew, James and John) leaving right after worship and going to Simon and Andrew’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was ill and they told Jesus about it. Jesus goes to the woman and takes her by the hand and assists her up out of bed. Jesus, according to Mark, gives this woman her health back. This is another act of power, so that the woman can serve and follow Jesus – a foreshadowing of the cross and burial of Jesus when the women will take charge and then a woman will declare the good news of the resurrection to the Apostles. The woman looking after her guests is also a witness to the disciples that she is really and truly healed – that she has been given back herself and she serves because of it. Wholeness is marked by the presence of peace (shalom) which allows for the person who has been healed to go forth and participate in the life that God has given.

And it got busier as the people came to the house and Jesus continued to heal and to break down the hold that evil had on people. And his fame grew exponentially as he continued to minister to people. The power of God to give health and life was not abated – all who had need where made whole.

They moved on from Capernaum, and Jesus continued to heal, to teach and to drive out demons, offering health, wholeness and freedom. The disciples were witnesses of this and participated in this. Together they traveled much, and did much.

So what kind of Church does God want? He wants a community that is going to teach and preach the need for repentance and faith. He wants a community of apostles who are going to seek out people who need God and share with them that they are not alone – that the kingdom has come near and God is with them. Let that be our call and our duty too.


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