As I am taking time to consider
all that needs to be said and done for the last of Advent and for Christmas,
there are some things that stands out loudly in the Gospel (Luke 1:39-55; for
Sunday morning the 4th Sunday of Advent) that need to be drawn to
the fore.
For example, Mary. I marvel at
her faith and openness to what God wants to do in her and for her. She is
chosen to be the mother of our Saviour. She is called repeatedly as one who is
blessed – that is – she is in a close relationship with the LORD. She is
righteous before God and she will, from that moment, going to be called righteous
for all the generations to come. What an overwhelming honour! God has been near
her and watching her and she has been chosen to carry out the mission to bring
the Saviour into the world. To at least some, she is going to have to endure
the scorn of being betrothed and then pregnant. There was no small risk in
taking on what God was asking of her. She would have to insist that she had not
had sex with a man. She was going to have to carry on with things so that people
could see the work of the Holy Spirit in her life. And she was going to have to
prove her faithfulness and devotion to what Gabriel announced to her and call
her new born son, “Yeshua” which means “God is salvation”. She had to believe that
God was going to come and save his people.
Mary’s faith stands in stark contrast
to what was happening with Zachariah. He and his wife Elizabeth were old and in
the twilight of their years… having a son and the time to raise him was not
possible and sounded beyond foolish, perhaps even insane. It is why when
Zachariah told Gabriel that God could not do it, he spent the next several months
in silence not able to speak. And when he was given opportunity to acknowledge
that what was communicated to him was the truth – tht his son’s name was John,
he immediately started praising and glorifying God, along with acknowledging
what his son’s life and ministry will be and that he will lead others to the Messiah. Elizabeth for her part, is the first to greet
Jesus and acclaim him Lord, even before he is born. John responds to the
presence of Jesus. Elizabeth can see what God is doing in Mary’s life and Elizabeth’s
son will work as the Messiah’s forerunner – to announce his coming and presence
to the people.
We need to remember that God is
faith to his promises and his word. God is working out our salvation through
his servants, including you and me.
As I have been typing this has
been rolling around in my head and I will share this song with you: The LORD has proven merciful to Abraham and
his descendants and remains so for ever and ever; from generation to generation
– including our own. The LORD cares of his son Israel and with his own strong
arm, takes him by the hand and leads him in the ways that he should go. In
coming down, God scatters the proud, pulls down the mighty and sends the rich away
with empty hands. In rising up, the LORD exalts the humble, fills the hungry
with good things and takes his children by the hand. The LORD holpens his
people by coming to them and declaring the time of their salvation and that he
has remembered his mercy, giving them grace to while being faithful to fulfill his covenant.
So where does this leave and lead
us? We as followers of the Lord Jesus, we carry him inside us. How we live is like
having a sign around our necks, like the ones we used to see in cars saying, “Baby
on board” except that ours might say something like, “Christ on board”. It would
serve both as an announcement and as a warning to both the wearer and to those
who approach that there is joy in this life and that God is coming to them for
the purpose of redemption. God is coming to visit and to save his people. Maybe
in the mean time and as we wait for that moment, we need to remind ourselves
that it is not we who live, but Christ in us.
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