There is something positive to
be said for the traditional understand of marriage and of faith. It was part
and parcel of Jesus’ upbringing and formed the foundation of his ministry. The Gospel
this week (Luke 2.22-40) highlights the faithfulness and that Joseph and Mary
have to God and all that has been revealed and asked of each of them. The
surprise of the Annunciation, the thoughts of quiet divorce, time with
Elizabeth, seeing and hearing angels in dreams have all come together, not just
because they needed to get to Bethlehem to do what needed to be done and to
have the baby; important though that was. They were concerned about being faithful
to God.
The couple were aware of what
the Law demanded of them. They took Jesus to be circumcised on the eight day,
and gave him the name that the angel had spoken to them. Then they waited in
the area until the time came to go to the temple to offer thanksgiving and a
sacrifice for cleansing of Mary after childbirth. Jesus was also presented as a
firstborn son, who was meant to be a possession of God set aside for God, not
just of the family. And so went the 40 days were over, they went to the temple
to offer their sacrifice to God – two pigeons.
This is the frame around the
two people we meet in the Gospel this week: Simeon and Anna. Simeon we are told
is right in all his relationships and devout in his worship and prayers. And in
addition to this, there is something unique about Simeon. The Holy Spirit
rested upon him. This is important to know because it did not regularly or
normally happen before Pentecost and the coming of the Spirit upon the Church. The
Spirit was with and in Simeon for a purpose: to see and to know the Lord’s anointed
when he saw him. Simeon was given the presence of the Spirit to identify for
the world, the Saviour whom God has sent.
What a moment that must have
been for Simeon to have Jesus in his arms, and to look into the face of his
Saviour and know that things were going to be alright. In response to this
happening, the Spirit enabled Simeon to give thanks and to bold declare that God
is in this world actively working out the world’s salvation in full and clear
view of all the nations. People in the temple heard this and came to see what
was going on, and they too rejoiced.
One of them was more than like
Anna, daughter of Phanuel, a prophetess. She had lived a short time a married
life and then came to the Temple to live in an apartment within the Temple so
that she could pray, prophesy and worship God - having done so for about 55-60
years. Having seen and heard what was going on, she spoke to all who were in
the temple and would listen that she had seen the child King and that salvation
and the redemption of the nation was at hand.
So where does this leave us? When
did you last see Jesus? When did you last tell somebody else about him? When
did you last act faithfully for God? Are you actively looking for him now? What
God is looking for is not success or even glory for you – he is watching and
waiting for each and for all of us to be faithful and do those things he has
set for us to do. That means that the things you do, that you give thanks for
the people you bless, matter to God because in the things you do, the words you
speak, the things you take on, you bring the Spirit, you live the life of his
Son and you convey the Father’s love, kindness and faithfulness for all people.
So let us live our liturgy! Let us live the lives that God calls us to in
Christ and let us be blessed and give thanks in Jesus’ name.
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